Tuesday 23 June 2015

20 things for your 20's

As I quickly approach 20, I'm having a lot of thoughts about what I've done in my life leading up to this and what I want to do before I reach 20..

1) Have a spontaneous night with your friends
Even though pre-planned nights are fun, there's nothing better than having a crazy night that nobody expected to happen.. I'll always remember the nights when me and my friends have been out on a whim and them turning out to be some of the best times I've had with them. 

2) Take a trip.. 
Whether it be in the same country, or the opposite side of the world. I and a lot of other people my age have a huge desire to travel. See the world and experience different ways of life, it'll be something that you never ever regret.

3) Buy that investment piece
Everybody has that one thing that they've had their eye on for YEARS. Whether it be that Chanel bag or the reaaally expensive laptop that you just cannot justify... Or can you??

4) Have a cool car
Once you've settled down with a family, your car is going to have to be sensible.. So while you can, have a car that you've always wanted and that you're always going to remember. For me, it'd have to be a mini. They're SO cute and I know once little Lauren's arrive, there's going to be no chance of me having one.. Embrace your young years!

5) Do something whacky with your hair
While you still can get away with it, do something wild and crazy with your locks! Have the chop, change the colour, go wild! 

6) Make your place, your place
Same as the car, as soon as the mini you's appear, your home isn't going to be exactly how you want it so while you're young, buy funky things and make your house a little piece of you.

7) Eat well
What better enjoyment is there than good food? Explore different foods from different countries and cultures, try new things and enjoy them. Food is definitely the way to my heart, being Italian it's always been a huge part of my life.

8) Embrace your friends
During your twenties, you're going to have plenty of time to spend with your friends. Use the time wisely. By now you'll have got over the teenage issues of 'fake friends' and will have most likely worked out who your real friends are. Spend time with them, travel with them, make memories with them. Your real soul mate really is your best friend.

9) Do something you've always wanted to do
Whether it be tell that one person to shut the f up or skydive, whatever you've always dreamt of doing, do it.. 

10) Sign up for a charity run
This isn't specific to your twenties, but I still think this is something you should definitely 100% do! Whether it be a marathon or a little fun run. Do it. I've seen a lot of colour runs about lately and I'd love to do one! There's always some going on all over the country, just Google them and see what's going on in your area!! 

11) Don't settle
Relationships can seem like the be all and end all when you're in your twenties, but don't settle for anything less than what you deserve, be selfish and look after number 1. 

12) Don't be afraid to expand your education
Whether you've been to university or not, never be afraid to expand on your knowledge. Read things, explore, listen to others, take courses do things to make your brain grow. Intelligence is attractive.

13) Create a bucket list
If you haven't already, make a bucket list. All of the things that you want to do, plan to do them. Spend your money on making memories.

14) Wear something you'd never usually wear
Ok, so it's no 'travel the world' or 'meet new people' but seriously, it boosts your confidence SO much.. I recently wore something I'd never usually wear and got so many compliments and it made me so much more likely to wear something a little bit out there again.. Find your style

15) Get a cute pet
We all remember begging our parents for pets when we were young.. YOU'RE AN ADULT NOW, you want a pet? You get a pet!

16) Live with your best friends
Want to move out, don't want to live on my own.. Solution? Live with your friends - the best choice you'll ever ever make.

17) Have fun at festivals
As much as the shared with thousands of other people bathrooms may put you off.. Go to a festival, live music, drink and friends, its such a fun way to see live acts and have fun with your friends.

18) Keep fit
Despite the eating out and travelling, you'll enjoy it all the more if you're mind set is positive and keeping your body fit and healthy will help that. It can be so enjoyable, with outdoor and group fitness classes working out never has to be boring! 

19) Volunteer
Be that person. The person that travels abroad to volunteer. Everyone says that they'd do it, so be the one that does it. You'll grow as a person and help other people.

20) Don't forget your family
With all of these things to do, don't forget the people who helped you get to your twenties

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